Penny Social Event

The East Chatham Grange holds occasional Penny Social events. A Penny Social is an event in which attendees purchase raffle tickets at various dollar amounts to play for a variety of prizes. These events are typically promoted on our Facebook Page or on our website's calendar. Find out more about our penny socials: Read more about Penny Social Event

Game Night Events

The East Chatham Grange hosts several Game Night events every year. Game Night is an event in which members of the community gather together and play a variety of games with each other. The dates are usually shared via our Facebook page and on our website's calendar. Learn more about our Game Nights: Read more about Game Night Events

Subordinate Grange Meeting

The regular meeting of the East Chatham Grange is held on the second Friday of the month at the East Chatham Fire House. Here, Grangers work on community service, host special speakers and provide educational content. The first four degrees are conferred at this level of membership. Read more about Subordinate Grange Meeting

Pomona Grange Meeting

Pomona meetings are held quarterly, at various Granges, on the second Saturday of the month. Grangers work on county-level business at Pomona, including legislative action, reports on subordinate activities and contests. The fifth degree is conferred at the Pomona level. Lunch is served for $5. Read more about Pomona Grange Meeting

Annual New York State Session

At the State Session, Grangers from across the state gather to deliberate on resolutions, attend workshops and set policy for the upcoming year. In addition to our business, we see friends from around the state, go out to eat, stay up all night having fun playing card games and enjoying conversation, and sometimes hitting the pool or gym. Read more about Annual New York State Session
